
Touchdowns All Day

Ep 7: Camp Bisco Listen Back - Pt.1


Jon Barber dives back into the music with a look back at the 1st Camp Bisco in 1999 @ TuneTown Campground & drummer Allen Aucoin's 1st Camp Bisco in 2006 @ Hunter Mountain.


In preparation for this years 2019 Camp Bisco Festival, Jon Barber relives & reflects on some of the finest choice jams from past Camp Bisco Festivals. 2 Jams from the 1st Camp in 1999 @ TuneTown Campground, and 1 jam from drummer Allen Aucoin's 1st Camp in 2006 @ Hunter Mountain.

@BarberShreds discusses the history of the inverted song, announces another ticket giveway, answers some Twitter questions, and debuts the TDAD Top 7.

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